This week Facebook revealed its next set of initiatives aimed at helping make the platform a safer place for users. Among those was a new idea called Click-Gap. Click-Gap is a term to reference the uneven popularity between a piece of content linked to from Facebook and its over all popularity on the internet.

The idea behind this seems altruistic. Take content that is really popular on Facebook, but that the internet at large doesn’t care about and limit the reach of the content on Facebook. So if something is viral or click-bait and on the platform, but the popularity of the content on the internet at large does not reflect that, they will reduce that contents reach.
So why as a small business should you care? For many years businesses have chosen to focus on promoting their content on social media OR focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But now the two areas have intersected. In order to get good organic reach for your content on Facebook all the same elements that make SEO work are going to need to be present. Inbound links to that content and building a link tree to highlight your contents importance are now not only key to being found by your customers searching for your content, but also going to be critical to having your content show up in the news feed on Facebook.
Building an audience you can reach and promote to outside of social media has never been more important. However if you can’t reach that audience what good is the effort? Facebook Messenger is the 3rd largest social media platform after Facebook and Instagram.
Start building your Messenger Audience Today
If you have a Facebook page now, you owe it to yourself to start building your own audience. If you are building unique and quality content your users will flock to the opportunity to see it. Take Facebook’s algorithm out of the equation and get your reach back today!
Don’t delay. Let’s get started building your audience right now! Click now to head to our Facebook Messenger Services page, and find out how we can help your business get started.
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