Last week the long awaited update of LearnDash 3.0 was finally released! We have been very excited to see this release come to fruition as it promised many updates and better functionality from the LMS.
When we saw the notice of the new release we quickly deployed a fresh copy of our site to a staging server and proceeded to test out the updates.
Right from the start the changes were very apparent, starting with the new progress bar and breadcrumbs at the top of the courses.

After confirming the updates were successful on our own site and launching our changes to our production site, we began working on updating client sites to LearnDash 3.
We have updated almost a dozen client sites and across the board everyone has been very happy with the updates.
LearnDash 3 is an amazing upgrade which includes many features to make the learner happier. And really, isn’t that what it’s all about?
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