Docker, Fig, Rails 4.2 and OSX

The challenge of provisioning a flexible, agile development environment is one we are always thinking about here at Simbco. Having a quick way to spin up new environments using a variety of technologies, while ensuring they are properly modular, can have a powerful...

Brunch with Marionette 2.0 Released!

Here at SimBco we spend a lot of time building thick client applications.  That means we are building javascript applications that run in the browser without page refreshes. Depending on our clients needs we build these with either BackboneJS and MarionetteJS or with...

Proxying an API While Serving Static Content

Here at the SimbCo office we code for fun as often as for work. One of our team members loves comic books. He has been collecting them with his dad for about 20 years. As such he has a very extensive collection. He has been talking about finding a better way to...

Mailto Links in Phonegap/Cordova

We are updating a Phonegap application we wrote last year this week.  Originally the application was developed against Phonegap version 2.1.  Back then we used ChildBrowser plugin to get the in-application browser working. Since then they have moved that functionality...

Listening for Multiple jQuery ‘on’ events

Today, we had a client ask a simple question about how to prevent the “delay tap” problem on touch devices. While this problem can be solved with several jQuery plugins (1)(2), the answer to the problem is a simple one: Listen for the touchstart event....